Document Delivery
For users
The Document Delivery (DD) service is available for all internal and external registered patrons. It allows users to get copies of articles or parts of books which are not available at the University of Turin.
Before submitting a request for this service, please use our library's online search facilities (Trova@unito, Catalogue of the Bibliographic Research Hub) to verify if the item you need is available in our University.
Our libraries are members of the NILDE network. To take advantage of this service you may (it is not mandatory) fill in a registration form which allows NILDE users to receive updates on the status of a request until the delivery of the item. For more information, please consult the NILDE user guide.
Alternatively, you may email your request to a specific library.
For libraries
Both Italian and foreign libraries may take advantage of this service.
Libraries may send their requests via:
- the NILDE form
- email to a specific library in case the asking library is not a member of NILDE
Request submission modes, service conditions and fees are detailed into the annexed table (Italian version only).
The requested items can be used for study or research purpose only, in compliance with both the limits set by the copyright law (n. 633/1941 and subsequent amendments and additions) and the contractual agreements signed with the publishers. Libraries agree to provide the final user with only a hard copy of the document.